A cure for zucchini fatigue (take 2)

IMG_1392Last year we brought you Chocolate-Zucchini Cake. (Yes, seriously.) This year, we bring you Zucchini Butter, compliments of the geniuses at the cooking/eating blog Food52.

It’s an astoundingly simple recipe with as few as three ingredients (my version had five), and done in about 20 minutes.

First, I chopped some shallot (one small) and garlic (one large clove, more next time) and added them to a large skillet with some olive oil and butter. (To simplify, you could choose one or the other.)

Then, I washed and grated a zucchini slightly smaller than a softball bat–including the skin and seeds. I put the grated zuke in a linen kitchen towel and squeezed out as much liquid as possible.

The zucchini went into the skillet with the butter and aromatics.

IMG_1384I kept it cooking on medium heat, stirring frequently. When the zucchini started to stick to the bottom once, I loosened it with a bit of water and the spoon. After 15 minutes, it had taken on a silky and spreadable consistency. I added a bit of salt and spooned it into a bowl.

IMG_1388A lot of it went into a jar that might go into the freezer for future use. (We’ll see about that.)

But first, an open-faced sandwich in which the zucchini butter was spooned over a piece of toast broiled with fresh ricotta.

DSC_9437According to the comment stream following this recipe on Food52, this substance can easily be a pasta sauce, a pizza topping, or a side dish on its own, and it can be frozen for winter use.

Next time I make it, I’ll add a bit of thyme or basil. And the sandwich (or pizza) would be even more terrific with some fresh parmesan or aged gouda shaved on top.

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2 Responses to A cure for zucchini fatigue (take 2)

  1. Yummy photos again! Glad I’m viewing them AFTER lunch.

  2. harrismb says:

    Sounds really good .. Am owing to try it and didn’t know abt food 52 whick I am also loving… On my way to harvest lots of kale to make pest.. Am going to forward u a bunch of photos that show the one bale of hay with the gourds.. It goes completely across the width if the garden.. Hope u can make out photos.. Xom

    Sent from iPad

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